WSPR (pronounced “whisper”) is an acronym for Weak Signal Propagation Reporter. It is a protocol, implemented in a computer program (such as WSJT-X), used for weak-signal radio communication between amateur radio operators.
If you have already used WSJT-X for FT8 then it’s pretty easy to start using WSPR.
Once WSJT-X is open start by selecting the ‘Mode‘ pull-down and choose WSPR. Next choose the band from the drop-down on the left hand side. I have chosen 20m.
Make sure that ‘Upload spots‘ and ‘Prefer Type 1 messages‘ are ticked. Clicking ‘Upload spots’ makes sure the data is uploaded to the WSPR site so you can see the results.
‘Tx 1440 Hz‘ indicates where in The 200 Hz WSPSR sub-band/slot you will be transmitting. TX between 1400 and 1600 but not 1500, which is crowded, as it’s the newbie default. Also, know how accurate your RX/TX is, if you’re 10Hz off, avoid the band edge. Also, many other operators are a few Hz off so 1405 and 1595, get fewer spots than 1440 and 1560 for example.
‘TX Pct 20%‘ indicates what percentage of the time you want to transmit. Between 20 and 25% is recommended.
Make sure that you click ‘Enable Tx‘, otherwise you won’t transmit!
WSPR doesn’t automatically know what power you are using so select this from the drop-down on the bottom right. I have chosen ‘37 dBm 5W‘.
Once you have been running for a while you can check your ‘spots’ here, or here.
If you have any problems please ask on the Signal group, or at one of the club meetings.
Thanks to M0WID and the WSJT-X Facebook Group for the tips.