Here is today’s status with just four days to go. I am not sure if it changed much but I had a few Welsh stations miss classified as Scottish stations in the observer file, and some of you will note that multiband stations have slightly inflated scores due to misreports.
Posn Member CQscore MHscore
1 GX3WSC 5688 11613
2 M0WID 3116 5904
3 G3RMK 2669 4867
4 G3YSX 2580 5160
5 M0TZZ 2384 4619
6 G3NZP 1104 1863
7 G4PEO 820 1722
8 G4FYY 632 1580
9 G0KCH 546 1092
10 G4ANN 330 726
11 G4PFW 204 408
12 M0HQM 150 400
13 G3VJM 130 234
14 G7OBF 26 52
15 VK6PG 12 18
G0KCH Score = CQ zones x band slots = 546
Countries (Entities) heard in = 27 , Band slots = 78 , CQ zones = 7
Number of times reported on the following bands 80m: 2043, 30m: 1640, 40m: 756, 20m: 285, 15m: 2, 17m: 1, 60m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 4728
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 30m: 25, 40m: 18, 80m: 16, 20m: 16, 17m: 1, 60m: 1, 15m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 14
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 1092
Maidenhead squares are : EN, FM, FN, GP, HP, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP,
CQ Zones are : 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 20, 40,
G3NZP Score = CQ zones x band slots = 1104
Countries (Entities) heard in = 36 , Band slots = 69 , CQ zones = 16
Number of times reported on the following bands 160m: 14448, 20m: 2579, 630m: 406, 80m: 19, 40m: 4, 17m: 3, 30m: 3, 10m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 27: 17463
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 20m: 34, 160m: 23, 630m: 4, 80m: 2, 40m: 2, 30m: 2, 17m: 1, 10m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 27
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 1863
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, ER, FM, FN, GJ, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LG, LO, OO, PF, PM, QF, RE,
CQ Zones are : 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 25, 30, 32, 33, 39, 40,
G3RMK Score = CQ zones x band slots = 2669
Countries (Entities) heard in = 47 , Band slots = 157 , CQ zones = 17
Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 32473, 160m: 30648, 80m: 28447, 20m: 5872, 630m: 207, 15m: 102, 30m: 75, 60m: 52, 17m: 3, 10m: 3, 2200m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 97883
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 20m: 40, 40m: 37, 80m: 30, 160m: 26, 30m: 7, 630m: 5, 15m: 5, 60m: 3, 10m: 2, 17m: 1, 2200m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 31
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 4867
Maidenhead squares are : DN, EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GJ, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LG, LO, MO, NO, OF, OO, PF, PM, QF, RE,
CQ Zones are : 3, 4, 5, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 29, 30, 32, 33, 39, 40,
G3VJM Score = CQ zones x band slots = 130
Countries (Entities) heard in = 22 , Band slots = 26 , CQ zones = 5
Number of times reported on the following bands 30m: 5017, 40m: 4, 160m: 3, 15m: 1, 80m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 5026
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 30m: 22, 15m: 1, 40m: 1, 160m: 1, 80m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 9
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 234
Maidenhead squares are : HP, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KN, KO, KP,
CQ Zones are : 14, 15, 16, 20, 40,
G3YSX Score = CQ zones x band slots = 2580
Countries (Entities) heard in = 38 , Band slots = 172 , CQ zones = 15
Number of times reported on the following bands 80m: 7123, 40m: 5461, 30m: 2820, 20m: 1864, 60m: 445, 10m: 316, 17m: 281, 15m: 173, 12m: 34, 160m: 2, 6m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 18520
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 20m: 33, 40m: 29, 30m: 23, 80m: 21, 17m: 20, 10m: 14, 15m: 13, 60m: 12, 12m: 5, 6m: 1, 160m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 30
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 5160
Maidenhead squares are : CM, DM, EL, EM, EN, ER, FM, FN, GI, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, NO, PF, PM, QF, QG, RE,
CQ Zones are : 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 30, 32, 33, 40,
G4ANN Score = CQ zones x band slots = 330
Countries (Entities) heard in = 33 , Band slots = 33 , CQ zones = 10
Number of times reported on the following bands 20m: 3436, 15m: 7, 17m: 1, 40m: 1, 10m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 3446
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 20m: 33
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 22
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 726
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GP, HP, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, MO, NO, QF,
CQ Zones are : 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 30, 40,
G4FYY Score = CQ zones x band slots = 632
Countries (Entities) heard in = 32 , Band slots = 79 , CQ zones = 8
Number of times reported on the following bands 30m: 1689, 40m: 1167, 20m: 1135, 80m: 877, 17m: 15, 15m: 4, 10m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 4888
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 20m: 28, 30m: 20, 40m: 17, 80m: 10, 17m: 2, 10m: 1, 15m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 20
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 1580
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GP, HP, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, MO,
CQ Zones are : 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 40,
G4PEO Score = CQ zones x band slots = 820
Countries (Entities) heard in = 31 , Band slots = 82 , CQ zones = 10
Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 1846, 30m: 1578, 10m: 503, 20m: 235, 60m: 9, 15m: 3
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 4174
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 40m: 26, 30m: 24, 20m: 18, 10m: 11, 60m: 2, 15m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 21
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 1722
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GI, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, NO,
CQ Zones are : 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 33, 40,
G4PFW Score = CQ zones x band slots = 204
Countries (Entities) heard in = 26 , Band slots = 34 , CQ zones = 6
Number of times reported on the following bands 30m: 2334, 40m: 6, 80m: 6, 20m: 2, 10m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 2349
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 30m: 26, 40m: 3, 20m: 2, 80m: 2, 10m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 12
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 408
Maidenhead squares are : EL, FN, HP, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP,
CQ Zones are : 5, 11, 14, 15, 20, 40,
G7OBF Score = CQ zones x band slots = 26
Countries (Entities) heard in = 13 , Band slots = 13 , CQ zones = 2
Number of times reported on the following bands 30m: 102
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 102
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 30m: 13
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 4
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 52
Maidenhead squares are : IN, IO, JN, JO,
CQ Zones are : 14, 15,
GX3WSC Score = CQ zones x band slots = 5688
Countries (Entities) heard in = 54 , Band slots = 237 , CQ zones = 24
Number of times reported on the following bands 30m: 7444, 80m: 4468, 20m: 4410, 40m: 3800, 17m: 1194, 160m: 1101, 10m: 838, 15m: 792, 12m: 310, 6m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 27: 24358
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 30m: 41, 20m: 40, 40m: 34, 10m: 30, 80m: 25, 17m: 23, 15m: 21, 12m: 11, 160m: 11, 6m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 49
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 11613
Maidenhead squares are : CM, CN, DM, DN, EL, EM, EN, ER, FK, FM, FN, GD, GF, GI, GJ, GN, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JF, JM, JN, JO, JP, KG, KM, KN, KO, KP, LG, LO, MJ, MO, NO, OF, OK, OO, PF, PG, PH, PM, QE, QF, QG, RE, RF,
CQ Zones are : 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40,
M0HQM Score = CQ zones x band slots = 150
Countries (Entities) heard in = 25 , Band slots = 25 , CQ zones = 6
Number of times reported on the following bands 20m: 2017, 15m: 17, 30m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 30: 2035
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 20m: 25
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 16
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 400
Maidenhead squares are : FM, FN, GP, HP, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO,
CQ Zones are : 5, 14, 15, 16, 20, 40,
M0TZZ Score = CQ zones x band slots = 2384
Countries (Entities) heard in = 44 , Band slots = 149 , CQ zones = 16
Number of times reported on the following bands 80m: 7383, 40m: 6355, 20m: 4065, 30m: 3400, 160m: 2432, 10m: 110, 15m: 103, 17m: 8, 60m: 6, 630m: 1, 2m: 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 23864
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 20m: 32, 30m: 28, 80m: 27, 40m: 27, 15m: 12, 160m: 10, 10m: 5, 17m: 4, 60m: 2, 630m: 1, 2m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 31
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 4619
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, FK, FM, FN, GJ, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KG, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, NO, OF, PF, QE, QF, QG, RE, RF,
CQ Zones are : 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 40,
M0WID Score = CQ zones x band slots = 3116
Countries (Entities) heard in = 47 , Band slots = 164 , CQ zones = 19
Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 15725, 80m: 12070, 30m: 4916, 20m: 4211, 15m: 289, 10m: 240, 160m: 20, 60m: 8, 630m: 2, 17m: 2
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 37481, 17: 1, 37: 1
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 20m: 39, 40m: 34, 30m: 27, 80m: 24, 15m: 21, 10m: 10, 160m: 4, 60m: 3, 630m: 1, 17m: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 36
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 5904
Maidenhead squares are : CN, DN, EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GF, GI, GJ, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LG, LO, MO, MP, NO, OF, PF, PH, PM, QF, QG, RE,
CQ Zones are : 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 29, 30, 32, 33, 39, 40,
VK6PG Score = CQ zones x band slots = 12
Countries (Entities) heard in = 3 , Band slots = 3 , CQ zones = 4
Number of times reported on the following bands 20m: 80
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 70, 33: 10
Number of entities on each band that heard this station : 20m: 3
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 6
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 18
Maidenhead squares are : FM, OF, PF, QF, QG, RE,
CQ Zones are : 5, 29, 30, 32,
Number of observers that heard us = 1311
Total countries worked = 60
Rejected Reporst = 72