As you will see I have delved a little deeper into the data and am now reporting the large maidenhead locations we have worked, and have also generated a “score” similar to the CQWW bonus score.
I also show you what large Maidenhead squares heard you.
G0KCH Score = CQ zones x band slots = 616
Countries (Entities) heard in = 27 Band slots = 77 CQ zones = 8
Bands Operated = 7
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 4122
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 14
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 1078
Maidenhead squares are : EN, FM, FN, GP, HP, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP,
G3NZP Score = CQ zones x band slots = 672
Countries (Entities) heard in = 31 Band slots = 56 CQ zones = 12
Bands Operated = 8
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 27: 15530
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 21
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 1176
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GJ, HP, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, PF, QF, RE,
G3RMK Score = CQ zones x band slots = 2601
Countries (Entities) heard in = 46 Band slots = 153 CQ zones = 17
Bands Operated = 11
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 80372
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 30
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 4590
Maidenhead squares are : DN, EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GJ, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, MO, NO, OF, OO, PF, PM, QF, RE,
G3VJM Score = CQ zones x band slots = 120
Countries (Entities) heard in = 20 Band slots = 24 CQ zones = 5
Bands Operated = 5
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 4273
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 8
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 192
Maidenhead squares are : HP, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KO, KP,
G3YSX Score = CQ zones x band slots = 2464
Countries (Entities) heard in = 37 Band slots = 154 CQ zones = 16
Bands Operated = 10
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 11148
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 29
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 4466
Maidenhead squares are : CM, DM, EL, EM, EN, ER, FM, FN, GI, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, NO, PF, PM, QF, QG, RE,
G4ANN Score = CQ zones x band slots = 320
Countries (Entities) heard in = 32 Band slots = 32 CQ zones = 10
Bands Operated = 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 2700
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 22
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 704
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GP, HP, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, MO, NO, QF,
G4FYY Score = CQ zones x band slots = 432
Countries (Entities) heard in = 31 Band slots = 54 CQ zones = 8
Bands Operated = 5
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 2436
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 20
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 1080
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GP, HP, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, MO,
G4PEO Score = CQ zones x band slots = 621
Countries (Entities) heard in = 28 Band slots = 69 CQ zones = 9
Bands Operated = 6
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 2575
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 19
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 1311
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GI, IL, IM, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, NO,
G4PFW Score = CQ zones x band slots = 198
Countries (Entities) heard in = 26 Band slots = 33 CQ zones = 6
Bands Operated = 4
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 1921
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 12
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 396
Maidenhead squares are : EL, FN, HP, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP,
G7OBF Score = CQ zones x band slots = 22
Countries (Entities) heard in = 11 Band slots = 11 CQ zones = 2
Bands Operated = 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 84
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 4
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 44
Maidenhead squares are : IN, IO, JN, JO,
GX3WSC Score = CQ zones x band slots = 6006
Countries (Entities) heard in = 53 Band slots = 231 CQ zones = 26
Bands Operated = 10
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 27: 22643
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 47
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 10857
Maidenhead squares are : CM, CN, DM, DN, EL, EM, EN, ER, FK, FM, FN, GD, GF, GI, GJ, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JF, JM, JN, JO, JP, KG, KM, KN, KO, KP, LG, LO, MO, NO, OF, OK, OO, PF, PG, PH, PM, QE, QF, QG, RE, RF,
M0HQM Score = CQ zones x band slots = 138
Countries (Entities) heard in = 23 Band slots = 23 CQ zones = 6
Bands Operated = 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 30: 1677
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 15
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 345
Maidenhead squares are : FM, FN, GP, IM, IN, IO, JM, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO,
M0TZZ Score = CQ zones x band slots = 2240
Countries (Entities) heard in = 42 Band slots = 140 CQ zones = 16
Bands Operated = 10
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 19566
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 28
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 3920
Maidenhead squares are : EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GJ, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KG, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, NO, OF, PF, QF, QG, RE, RF,
M0WID Score = CQ zones x band slots = 3097
Countries (Entities) heard in = 46 Band slots = 163 CQ zones = 19
Bands Operated = 10
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 23: 36213, 17: 1, 37: 1
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 34
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 5542
Maidenhead squares are : CN, DN, EL, EM, EN, FM, FN, GF, GI, GJ, GP, HP, IL, IM, IN, IO, JN, JO, JP, KM, KN, KO, KP, LO, MO, MP, NO, OF, PF, PH, PM, QF, QG, RE,
VK6PG Score = CQ zones x band slots = 12
Countries (Entities) heard in = 3 Band slots = 3 CQ zones = 4
Bands Operated = 1
Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 70, 33: 10
Number of Maidenhead large squares heard in = 6
Maidenhead score = M Sq * band slots = 18
Maidenhead squares are : FM, OF, PF, QF, QG, RE,
Number of observers that heard us = 1176
Total countries worked 60
Given my uncertainly over the CQWW zones, I generate two set of results, scores with CQWW zones as multipliers, and score with Maidenhead large squares as multipliers. As you can see the order of the competitors changes in only one case. Presumable this happens because one of the zone boundaries does not align with a Maidenhead boundary so either G3NZP or G4PEO gained or lost a multiplier.
Posn Member CQscore MHscore
0 GX3WSC 6006 10857
1 M0WID 3097 5542
2 G3RMK 2601 4590
3 G3YSX 2464 4466
4 M0TZZ 2240 3920
5 G3NZP 672 1176
6 G4PEO 621 1311
7 G0KCH 616 1078
8 G4FYY 432 1080
9 G4ANN 320 704
10 G4PFW 198 396
11 M0HQM 138 345
12 G3VJM 120 192
13 G7OBF 22 44
14 VK6PG 12 18
CARC WSPR Competition 20 February 2016
It’s been a long day with an early start to the RSGB Board meeting followed by a quite unpleasant drive home through the weather, traffic and past other peoples accidents. I will take another look tomorrow, but I think I am going to have to ask someone to help me check the observers file and possibly the code to see if there is a mistake.
73 and hope to see you at the club tomorrow.