On 19th October, Scouts from 1st Langley Green, 5th Crawley and 7th Crawley took part in the Jamboree On The Air at an event run by Crawley Amateur Radio Club (CARC) in their hut in Tilgate Forest. As the name suggests it’s a chance for Scouts from around the world to “meet” each other over the airwaves. CARC provided a range of activities, starting with a brief explanation about How it All Works, including how radio waves going in a straight line can reach round the other side of the world. HF radio is the answer, which bounces off layers in the atmosphere after being transmitted from this huge antenna.
The Scouts had the opportunity to take part in a number of activities. Here’s one group making “Snail” Morse keys, so they could learn and practice sending messages in Morse code. It’s the shape of the key that gives it the name.

The Scouts also had a go using PMR446 hand held transceivers. Or “walkie talkies” as they’re known as by everyone outside of radio world. Using the phonetic alphabet and correct RT procedure they passed short messages.

Out in the forest, the Scouts had a game of hide and seek, using radio location beacons and directional antennas.

The main objective of the day was to contact other Scout troops using amateur radio. Atmospheric conditions weren’t brilliant and the airwaves were a bit crowded due to a couple of competitions being held. However as well as talking to Scouts in nearby Merstham, contact was made with two stations in the Netherlands and one on Scotland plus places in between.

Huge thanks to CARC for all their hard work. The event, as well as being great fun helped the Scouts work towards the World challenge badge and the Communicator activity badge.
Words and images used with the permission of the 1st Langley Green, 5th Crawley and 7th Crawley Scouts