The Committee voted unanimously (6 present) last night that the rules be amended slightly to only cover bands that can be worked by holders of all thee classes of licence (Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced) in order to level the playing field and stimulate competition. At present this only affects entrants with 60m spots, and for a little while the results may continue to include these due to the complexity of extracting the data. Apologies for this late change, but we thought it only fair to those newer to the hobby.
Archives for 2017
Announcing the 2017 WSPR Competition
The club is going to run a WSPR Contest for members again this year.
The month will be MARCH has been chosen because hopefully as it encompasses the Spring Solstice we may have better conditions.
At the moment HF propagation is pretty dire.
The Rules will be simplified from last year, and also the scoring made easier.
The new rules have been made and I will send them out in the next day or two.
So get the dust off of the WSPR equipment and keep an eye out for the Rules update.